
We look forward to hearing from you

Please use the contact form or send us an e-mail. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Christoph Schönfelder

CVO/ Co-Founder

Contact form

How to find us

Anfahrtsskizze myhive Düsseldorf

Building Alto l Kesselstraße 3, 40221 Düsseldorf

By car:
Coming from Holzstraße or Franziusstraße, you will already see the two large white buildings.

Drive around them via Holzstraße and turn right into Kesselstraße (small ramp upwards).

You will now see the public parking lots and – again on the right – the entrance to the underground parking garage.

By public transportation:
Public bus lines 723, 726, 732, NE8
Streetcar line 706, 707

Live Webinar

Erfolgreich transformieren: Warum Führung ohne KI nicht mehr ausreicht

Wie Sie Transformationen mit moderner Führung vor dem Scheitern bewahren!

19. März 2025, 14:00 – 14:45 Uhr